Students will investigate the similarities found in the causes, course, and consequences of Conflict.
They will be able to recognize these three themes through a study of three distinct eras in American History:
Over the course of the Conflict Unit students will complete two phases. Phase I: Research (404 points); Phase II: Creating and Sharing a Historical Presentation (200 points). An overview of each phase is given below. Detailed examples, explanations and contracts are provided via links with each overview.
Phase I: ResearchStep 1A) Choose a Specialty Area (SA) from the Table of Contents. Write the due date for Phase I of the assignment in the box provided in your Conflict packet. Students will work individually on all three phases of the assignment. Once you have chosen a SA you will not be allowed to change, please chose wisely. Write your SA or question, and due date in the box on page 1, you can access the due dates in the US History Class Calendar. Specialty Area focus questions by 'Part" are available within the sub page for each Specialty Area
Step 1B) Create a Research Notebook using the examples shared in your Conflict packet. Example Templates & Instructions for the Research Notebook are available in PDF form from this link. Write your Essential Questions (EQ), one per page, on the top of each page of your Research notebook. In addition add a Thesis page to your Research Notebok Essential Questions or focus questions are available by part under the “Conflict: Specialty Area, If completing your Research Digitally within your Google Drive, be sure to share your Research Notebook in Google Drive to the instructor. A copy of the Grading Rubric for the Research Notebook and Source Sheet is available from this link. Step 1C) Compile your notes in your Research Notebook. Introduce yourself to your chosen SA by reading the page numbers in your text that correspond to your subject. The page numbers are available on the webpage associated with your subject, and in the selected box following your topic on the page of the “Conflict: Specialty Area, Questions and Learning Activities” portion of the Conflict workbook, where your SA Essential Questions are located. Research your SA in the library, textbook, movies and on the internet. While researching answer your EQ’s and compile your notes in your Research Notebook (be sure to cite your sources). A copy of the Grading Rubric for the Research Notebook and Source Sheet is available from this link. Step 1D) Cite your sources in your Sources and Citation Sheet shared with you in Google Doc. A hard copy of Source and Citation Sheet is available here. YOU MUST COMPLETE AND SHARE WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR A DIGITAL COPY OF YOUR FINAL SOURCE SHEET ON MARCH 29/30. You are required to utilize and cite a minimum of 15 sources. At least five of sources must be text sources; in addition you must have at least two primary sources. A copy of the Grading Rubric for the Research Notebook and Source Sheet is available from this link. Step 1E) Use your Research to compile a Thesis, Your Thesis, should include a "so what?" statement. While completing your research what conclusions did you draw? Why does this topic matter, how do the events you studied change history? Write a one paragraph thesis that addresses what is important about this subject & what should people remember. ACAD CLASSES ONLY Step 1F Select a Term 3 novel related to your SA. A list of SA Novels is available in the “Conflict: Specialty Area, Questions and Learning Activities” portion of the Conflict workbook that corresponds to your SA and chosen era. During the course of your research, complete the “Specialty Area Historical Novel” packet, found in the “Specialty Area Historical Novel, Term 3” portion of the Conflict workbook. A digital copy is available following this web link: Specialty Area Historical Novel Term 4 |
Phase II: Create & Share a PresentationStep 2A) Choose a presentation format from the PRESENTATION LIST , i.e. the means by which you will share your Research with your peers, and a project, i.e. an activity that will make your subject relevant and interesting for your peers. Possible presentation and project formats are provided in link above. Identify (write) the two formats you have chosen to present your content to the class. Visit the class calendar and identify both the due date and presentation date for your project When finished be sure to complete and submit the Phase II Guidelines form, available from the link below
Step 2B) Review the rubric (grading standards) associated with your chosen presentation and project format. Rubrics are available below under the oral presentations link.. Digital Copies of the Rubrics are available with the Phase II Guidelines Form link below. Step 2C) Create a presentation using your chosen format, related to your SA. Presentations should follow the guidelines listed within the corresponding rubric for each presentation format. As a general rule you will have two presentations one to teach the content, a second to engage the class in your content. Step 2D) On the class period prior to your assigned due date provide your instructor a hard copy (printed copy) and (when appropriate) digital copy of your completed presentation. Step 2E) Prepare a lesson on your Specialty area utilizing your prepared presentation to share with the class. Oral presentations must stay within the time frame provided. Time frames will vary per class. U.S. History Presentation should run from 25-35 minutes, A.C.A.D presentations should run from 35-40 minutes. The purpose of the presentation is four fold 1) introduce the topic to the class, 2) share your research with your peers {please note, as you are teaching your peers will answer the corresponding questions from your specialty area in their workbooks}, 3) Present your thesis i.e., your 'So what?'. Why does this topic matter, how do the events you studied change history? 4) show off your presentation. In some few cases students may work with the instructor in advance to address alternate means of sharing SA presentation. ORAL PRESENTATIONS will be graded using the attached RUBRIC. Step 2F) Share your SA presentation with the class. Review the grading rubric for class presentations available in the “Conflict; Guidelines & Rubrics” portion of the workbook, on page 30. Digital copies are available in this PRESENTATION LIST. |
Informational WEBINAR on Conflict Research and Presentation
Includes Parents & Students 1/28
Overview of Phase I & Phase II: Youtube |
Overview of Phase I & Phase II |
Specialty Area Selection and Contract
Once you have reviewed your selected and approved Specialty Area. Determined what novel you will read and identified the format for your presentation please complete and submit a copy of the Phase I & II Specialty Area & Due Date Student/ Instructor Contract. A submitted copy of the contract will be sent both to the instructor and the student submitting the contract.
Specialty Area Deadline and Quick Reference Sheet
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To ensure students stay on task and keep up with their daily assignments during the Research Phase of the Project, Daily goals and objectives will be tracked with the use of digital exit cards. You can access the Daily Exit cards using the links shared with you within your school provided Google email.
Research Notebook and Source Sheet FINAL Feedback Form
Earned Upgrades and turn in date for Research Notebook and Source Sheet
Upgrades for your Research Notebook and Source Sheet could be earned in multiple ways:
1 Upgrade= Voluntary attendance and participation in three Pridetime research sessions.
1 Upgrade = Voluntary attendance and participation on Late buss Tuesday (additional late buss passes were available on Thursday 2/5 and Friday 2/6)
There have been 12 Pridetimes during the Research Phase of the Project, students are responsible for keeping track of their own attendance during Pridetime. If students attended EVERY Pridetime during the Research Phase of the project, they may have earned up to four upgrades. There were three regular late buses, and two additional late buses provided to provide late passes. Open the web-link on the right to indicate how many late passes you have earned and the date you will be submitting your work. .
1 Upgrade= Voluntary attendance and participation in three Pridetime research sessions.
1 Upgrade = Voluntary attendance and participation on Late buss Tuesday (additional late buss passes were available on Thursday 2/5 and Friday 2/6)
There have been 12 Pridetimes during the Research Phase of the Project, students are responsible for keeping track of their own attendance during Pridetime. If students attended EVERY Pridetime during the Research Phase of the project, they may have earned up to four upgrades. There were three regular late buses, and two additional late buses provided to provide late passes. Open the web-link on the right to indicate how many late passes you have earned and the date you will be submitting your work. .