Electoral College Readings
The readings below are found on pages 282-285 of the America History textbook. Students were to read the assigned pages, when finished they were to define the following terms on the lined paper provided on page 11 of the Spanish in America portion of their workbook: 1. Liberty, 2. Popular Sovereignty, 3. Representative Democracy, 4. Direct Democracy, 5. Electoral College.
Colonization Readings
-The readings below are found on pages 84-85 (111); 122-123 (116); 122-126 (111 2nd) ; 132-135 (122 2nd) ; 141-142 (123) of the America History textbook. Students were to read the assigned pages, when finished they were to answer the corresponding questions in their workbooks, page numbers in the workbook are written in parentheses behind the readings.
Call to Freedom Pgs 17-22 Europe During the Middle Ages
The readings below are found on pages 17-22 of the Call to Freedom textbook. They correspond to the questions on pages 2-3 of the Spanish in the Americas Workbook.
Call to Freedom Pgs 4-16 Native Americans
The readings below are found on pages 4-16 of the Call to Freedom textbook. Students who failed the Native American WalkAway were required to read these pages and complete questions 1-5 on page 9, and questions 1-5 on page 16; in addition they were to map and label each cultural group on the map on NA pg 24 in their Native American workbook and list facts within each category on pages NA 25-28 in their workbook PRIOR to writing their retake, or