Civil War Alternate WalkAway & Review Activities
Sample Projects for Alternate Assessment
Create a project of your choosing that reflects a broader understanding of the focus of this unit, i.e. the American Civil War is one of the key events that shaped America's National Character. This unit also examined the causes and course of the Civil War, as well as the role the individual plays in shaping history. Possible projects might include (but are not limited to) poems, short stories, civil war journal, civil war letters, dioramas, tagzedos, wordles, timelines prezis & PowerPoints. ACAD students please note your project need not be as extensive as your SA project.
(software link on project helps page) |
I am a Rebel.
I am a Yankee. We are Americans! I am from the South I am from the North We are from America! I fight for MY right to choose MY destiny. I fight for HIS right to choose HIS destiny We fight for rights! I fight for MY way of life, MY children and MY wife. I fight for OUR way of life, OUR nation and OUR people. We fight for others! I witnessed the bloodshed at Sharpsburg. I caused the bloodshed at Antietam. We saw bloodshed on the battlefield! I hope for a better Nation- the Confederate States of America I hope for a better Nation- The United States of America We hope for a better America! I am a Rebel. I am a Yankee We are Americans |
Civil War WalkAway Reviews
Flash Card Review: Civil War WalkAway ALL CLASSES
Flash Card Review: Road To Civil War ACAD ONLY
Jeopardy Review Game
This game uses the same format as that of the game show Jeopardy. All answers must be framed as questions, for example if the clue reads: "She was the first female graduate from an American Medical school, she convinced Abraham Lincoln to support the creation of the 'Sanitation Commission' during the American Civil War, helping thousands of wounded soldiers." Your answer should read: "Who was Elizabeth Blackwell?"