Mission U.S. is a free online role playing game about the Revolutionary War. To access the games click on the mission’s link at the top of the page.
The website also include numerous Educational Resources, Primary Resources, Student websites, online videos and more. Available at http://www.uen.org/missionus/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.
The website also include numerous Educational Resources, Primary Resources, Student websites, online videos and more. Available at http://www.uen.org/missionus/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

Library of Congress website; includes access to the Library of Congress videos, primary documents, photographs, journals and more. When visiting the site use the search tool at the top of the page to search the era and period you are studying. Available at: http://www.loc.gov/index.html, or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

Utah Teaching With Primary Sources; includes access to primary documents, photographs, journals and more. Available at: http://utahteachingwithprimarysources.com/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

Northern Virginia Partnership on this website, you will find free, easy to use, hands-on tools that will connect you to countless documents, images, resources and activities. available at http://www.tpsnva.org/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

The Gilder Lehrman Institute of History; The Gilder Lehrman Collection is a unique archive of primary sources in American history. The Collection includes more than 60,000 letters, diaries, maps, pamphlets, printed books, newspapers, photographs, and ephemera that document the political, social, and economic history of the United States, available at http://www.gilderlehrman.org/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

National Archives NARA; This site contains reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States. Available at http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/ Within that same site is a page entitled “Docs teach” that provides both primary and secondary resources on thousands of different documents, available at http://docsteach.org/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

Colonial Williamsburg; this site is a link to Colonial Williamsburg, it includes primary documents, photographs, films and other media. Available at: http://www.history.org/history/teaching/enewsletter/enewsletter.cfm or simply open the hyperlink on the left

Smithsonian Museum. This site attempts to bring history to life, the site allows you to peer over the shoulder of the historian and share the excitement of discovery. Available at http://www.smithsoniansource.org/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left

Massachusetts Historical Society This site allows students to go on a journey through Colonial America via primary documents, videos and podcasts, available at http://www.masshist.org/revolution/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left

National Park Service this site contains lesson, which may contain maps, photos, or other primary source materials available for download on most historical sites. Available at http://www.nps.gov/history/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left

Agriculture in the Classroom This site covers the role of agriculture in the classroom. Available at http://www.agclassroom.org/gan/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left

House Divided- the Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College. Includes a number of primary documents, photographs and film clips available at http://housedivided.dickinson.edu/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left

PBS Documentary Underground Railroad: The William Still Story (includes online DVD and Resources) available at http://www.pbs.org/wned/underground-railroad/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left

This site provides biographical information on thousands of present and historical figures. Available at http://www.biography.com/people or simply open the hyperlink on the left

This site provides multiple images and primary documents highlighting slavery before, during and after the Civil War. Available at: http://hitchcock.itc.virginia.edu/Slavery/index.php or simply open the hyperlink on the left

Issues and Controversies in American History. This site provides varying points of views and different ways at looking at controversies in American history. The site is organized by Eras and themes that are very similar to the Specialty Areas in the workbook; available at http://icah.infobaselearning.com/icah.aspx or simply open the hyperlink on the left

This site provides numerous insights into the Civil War, including key events during many of the primary battles; available at http://americancivilwar.com/ or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

The History Place. This site The History Place is a private, independent, Internet-only not affiliated with any political group or organization. The Web site presents a fact-based, common sense approach in the presentation of the history of humanity, with great care given to accuracy. Available at http://www.historyplace.com/ ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

Time Charts of Cartography. This site is a data base of maps, to find the information that will be of most help students will need to link to a number of sites and have the patience to search multiple sites and open multiple hyperlinks. Available at http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

Famous Trials. The materials included in the Famous Trials website are original works of authorship, government records, works for which copyright protection has expired, works reprinted with permission, or works that are within the fair use protection of the copyright laws. This is an educational and non-commercial site maintained at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School. Available at http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/ftrials.htm or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

The People’s Vote, co-sponsored by the National Archives and Records Administration, National History Day, and U.S. News & World Report, invited Americans of all ages and educational backgrounds to vote for 10 of 100 milestone documents drawn mainly from the holdings of the National Archives, the site includes links to all 100 primary documents. Available at http://ourdocuments.gov/content.php?flash=true&page=vote ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

National Geographic. This site provides links to hundreds of online articles and interactive activities published by National Geographic, use the search mechanism to find information specific to your Specialty Area, search text should start from specific then, when necessary beomce more general. Available at ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

This site is a database of online research tools, from search engines, to periodicals. Be sure to access all of the search mechanism. Available at http://www.virtualsalt.com/search.htm ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

National Atlas site allows you to use your imagination and, by probing and questioning, to choose the facts that fit your needs as you explore the American story. Available at http://nationalatlas.gov/about.html ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

History Channel website with links to some history channel programs and related content and activities. Available at ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

A Scholars guide to the world wide web, a fabulous data base of hundreds of search sites for finding the best of the best sites, if you are stumped in your research this should be your first stop. Available at http://tigger.uic.edu/~rjensen/ ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

A web source for Military History. Outstanding and recently updated, available at http://www.americanhistoryprojects.com/downloads/mil-2012.html ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

National Archive primary and secondary documents organized by Eras that correspond to the eras studied in class. Available at http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/ ,or simply open the hyperlink on the left.

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