Curriculum Calendar
You can access the objectives and list of specific assignments for each day by clicking the text within each date.
What students will be able to do by the end of this unit? |
Personal AdjectivesUnderstanding Personal Adjectives Instructional PowerPoint
students will take notes on the rules and use of personal adjectives from an Instructional PowerPoint entitled Understanding Personal Adjectives. Access the PowerPoint below. What are Adjectives? Instructional PP
What are adjectives? How do we use them is Spanish? Where are adjectives placed in an English sentence? Access the PowerPoints below. Quizlet & Flash Cards: Adjectives
Students will learn and practice basic personal adjectives.. They will use their existing quizlet account, linked their teacher's class and period. Access the site below. Practice Personal Adjectives PP
Practice the personal adjectives using the instructional PowerPoint below. Cognates
Cognates are words that look, sound and mean the same in both Spanish and English. Use the PP below to understand cognates. El CuerpoColoresWord Gender
Following a lecture on Word Gender students took a 15 question quiz identifying the gender of each word and identifying the rule that applies with each word. Students who did not show mastery will need to 1) Ensure their notes are complete. If not complete they should download the attached notes and review the content. 2) Once finished they should complete the attached quiz. 3) Once finished they need to come in during Pridetime or after school to make up, grade and post their mastery quiz. Quiz: Available in word form on skyward
Gender Quiz Make up: Correctly identify the gender of nouns and be able to tell which rule applies Exp: • Exp 1… guapa (beautiful girl) – Feminine, Feminine Rule • Exp 2... Foto (picture) – Feminine, Stupid Latin • i. Pajaro (bird) • ii. problema (problem) • iii. el día (day) • iv. perros (dogs) • v. papa (dad) • vi mama (mom) • vii doctora (doctor) • viii trabajadora (worker) • ix. maestros (teachers male & female) • x. el poeta (poet) • xi. nacion (nation) • xii. chico (boy) • xiii. chica (girl) • xiv. los atletas (athlete) • xv. silla (chair) |
Subject Pronouns
Celeb Guess Who? Hola! Me llamo ------------. Soy inglés. Tengo 45 años y vivo en Londres con mi familia. Vivía en Downing Street. Ahora escribe 5 descripciones más: ¿Como eres?
¿Como eres? summary of the instructional PoerPoint in word format. Subject Pronouns: Listening Guide
Listen to the lecture in class, while doing so complete the underlined blanks in your listening guide. There are a series of learning activities in the listening guide be sure to complete these when asked. Make sure that you bring the listening guide with you to class daily.Listening guides must be completed prior to taking a WalkAway. Access the Listening Guide Below Subject Pronouns Mastery Activities
Page 10 in Student Workbook
Students demonstrated they understood the correct use of Subject Pronouns. Students who did not master this concept should complete the original assignment in red pen, then complete the assignment posted below. When finished they will need to come in during Pridetime and/or after school to evaluate, grade and post their work. Once they have demonstrated mastery their grade will be changed to reflect their changed status. Mastery Makeup: 1) Link to instructional website below. 2) Carefully read the content. 3) When finished answer the following questions a. Define a Subject Pronoun, and give three examples in English b. What are the English Subject Pronouns and their equivalent in Spanish, for example I=YO c. What is something important you should know about each Spanish Subject Pronoun? d. Replace each of the following nouns with a Spanish Subject Pronoun: i. Jim ii. Tomas and Maria iii. Jim and I iv. Carla and Jim v. Carla and Maria vi. Susan vii. You two (familiar) vii. Ya'all (formal) viii. The boys ix. The girls x. The teacher Subject Pronoun Online PracticeSubject Pronoun Knowledge and USE
Detailed Description: Students took a quiz for mastery of knowledge and use of Spanish Subject Pronouns. Students who did poorly and still need to mastery the content should 1) Review, Read and Study their completed notes on page 4-9 of the student workbook. 2) If notes are incomplete they should visit the vodcast 1/2 way down this same page and listen to the vodcast entitled: "Vodcast of Lectures from Unit II Students will learn and practice all subject pronouns", while listening they should complete pages 4-9. IF THE STUDENT HAS ALREADY COMPLETED THESE NOTES, THEY MAY SKIP THIS STEP AND SIMPLY REVIEW THE NOTES AS INDICATED IN STEP 1. 3) When finished they should visit the website below and successfully complete the learning activities on the page, once they have receive 100% they should show their completed notes and score (take a screen shot- if at home) or simply show the screen on the computer to the teacher. 4) When finished the student is responsible for coming in during Pridetime and/or after school to grade, evaluate and post their new mastery score in the computer. Ser + Adjectives
¿Cómo eres?
Instructional PowerPoint ¿Cómo eres? Students will practice the phraseology for asking and responding to the the question what are you like? |
Tener + Adjective
Tener & Ser Practice Activities Students will complete a variety of activities practising and differentiating between the use of Tener & Ser. Ser & Estar
Ser & Estar: Instructional PowerPoint Students will learn and practice uses of Ser and Estar from an Instructional PowerPoint Ser & Estar Practice Activities:
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of ser or estar. Write the rule that you used. Ser & Estar: Listening Guide
Listen to the lecture in class, while doing so complete the underlined blanks in your listening guide. There are a series of learning activities in the listening guide be sure to complete these when asked. Make sure that you bring the listening guide with you to class daily.Listening guides must be completed prior to taking a WalkAway. Ser vs Estar PracticeSer PracticeArticles Practice el/los la/las un/unos una/unas |
Vodcast of Lectures from Unit II
Students will learn and practice all subject pronouns
Content lecture prepared for use in class on October, 25th. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast
Content lecture prepared for use in class on October, 25th. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Students will learn and practice word gender and adjective use
Content lecture prepared for use in class on October, 25th. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast
Content lecture prepared for use in class on October, 25th. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast
Students will review and practice adjective use
Content lecture prepared for use in class on October, 31st. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast.
Content lecture prepared for use in class on October, 31st. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast.
Students will practice adjective use
Content lecture prepared for use in class on November 2nd. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast.
Content lecture prepared for use in class on November 2nd. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast.
Students will practice adjective use
Content lecture prepared for use in class on November 3rd. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast.
Content lecture prepared for use in class on November 3rd. The video on right is available on Youtube, the video on the left is available in HTML format and can be viewed on the Alpine Server. Copies of the assignment are available below the vodcast.
Ser vs. Estar
Content lecture on Ser vs. Estar