The Spanish in the Americas
Role of Religion in American Culture & History
Native Americans: Pre & Post Colombian
Audio Recording Charles Mann "Before Columbus"
Mound for Mound Those Are Heavy Hills

Read the excerpt (or listen to the excerpt by clicking audio link below) entitled, "Mound for Mound, Those are Heavy Hills", when finished answer the questions on page 26 of your workbook. Additional copies of the workbook are available on the Native American Webpage. Additional copies of the readings can be downloaded by clicking on the serpent mound on the left.
Origin of Native Americans
Creation Stories & Scientific Places of Origin
Dine Story of Creation
To access the Dine story of Creation, simply click on the icon below. If listening in class be sure you have your headset on correctly
Bering Strait: Origin of Native Americans![]() To access the readings on the origin of Native Americans via the Bering straits simply click on the icon to the right. If listening in class be sure you have your headsets on correctly.
Earth on Turtles Back: Onondaga Story of Creation
![]() To access the story of the Earth on Turtles Back, simply click on the icon on the left. If listening in class, be sure you have your headsets on correctly.
Multiple Origins & Mitochondrial DNA evidence![]() To access the Charles Mann readings on the role of mitochondrial DNA in identifying the origins of Native Americans, simply click on the icon on the left. If listening in class be sure you have your headsets on correctly.
Abenaki Story of Creation: Gluscabe![]() To access the Abenaki story of Gluscabe on the origins of Native Americans simply click on the icon on the right. If listening in class be sure you have your headsets on correctly.
Film Clips: Native American Cultures
Native Americans: The Haudenosaunee (Eastern Woodland Culture)
Native Americans: Chaco Canyon & The Anasazi (Southwest Culture)
Native Americans: Cahokia Mound Builders (Pre-Columbian Plains Culture)
Native Americans: "I will fight no more forever" (Post-Columbian Plains Culture)
Native Americans: Chumash (California and West Culture)
The French & Indian War & The American Revolution
The War That Made America: The first 10 minutes of this one hour clip was watched in class. The clip below will connect you directly to the film clip viewed on YouTube. If YouTube is not accessible you may watch the full clip below
The War that Made America: The entire full hour is available below. Please note it may take some time to open and view the video clip
The Salem Witch Trials: Mob Psychology & Violence
A humorous look at a serious subject
The Bystander Effect: The Indifference of Good men
A somewhat disturbing look at the herd mentality that causes good men to be indifferent to violence
Word of the Day: Herd Mentality
A Brief look at how "herd mentality" impacts the stock market, and why
Herd Mentality for Dummies w/ a little bit of help from Dr. Seuss
McCarthyism in America
McCarthyism is the political action of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term specifically describes activities associated with the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents.
Hollywood Blacklist & McCarthyism in America
The Hollywood blacklist—as the broader entertainment industry blacklist is generally known—was the mid-twentieth-century list of screenwriters, actors, directors, musicians, and other U.S. entertainment professionals who were denied employment in the field because of their political beliefs or associations, real or suspected. Artists were barred from work on the basis of their alleged membership in or sympathy toward the American Communist Party, involvement in liberal or humanitarian political causes that enforcers of the blacklist associated with communism, and/or refusal to assist investigations into Communist Party activities; some were blacklisted merely because their names came up at the wrong place and time.