English Reformation
& English Colonization
2016: Assignment 1, Parts A-D will be downloaded and graded December 6th.
Assignment: 1, Part A
1. Before starting the assignment watch the introductory video from the History Channel below. Be sure your headsets are plugged in correctly.
1. Before starting the assignment watch the introductory video from the History Channel below. Be sure your headsets are plugged in correctly.
Assignment: 1, Part B English Reformation Summary Due 12/6
2. The lecture inset below teaches the English Reformation. You will need to have your notebook opened to a blank piece of paper to gather information while watching the video.
2. The lecture inset below teaches the English Reformation. You will need to have your notebook opened to a blank piece of paper to gather information while watching the video.
- Watch the two videos below entitled The English Reformation, while watching write down 10 individuals or key ideas in the two videos
- When finished use your 10 ideas or key individuals to write a one paragraph essay on what occurred in the English Reformation in the GOOGLE DOC that has been shared with you entitled A1, Part B Summary of the Eng Ref
Assignment 1, Part B available on school site |
Assignment 1, Part B on YouTube, not accessible via student login |
Assignment 1: Part C Roanoke
Assignment: 1, Part C
- Watch the introductory video from APUSH below. Be sure your headsets are plugged in correctly.
- Following the video presentation answer the online questions entitled: England's Early Attempts at Colonization below the video. ASSIGNMENT ONLINE
England's early attempts at Colonization: APUSH video
Assignment 1, Part C, Available on school site |
Assignment 1, Part C, on YouTube, not accessible via student login. |
ASSIGNMENT ONLINE Published on Jun 3, 2014
This lecture covers all the basics of early attempts of England to colonize North America. It has been tailored to cover all the material required of the new APUSH exam. Side note: There is one use off color language approximately 10 minutes into the video.
This lecture covers all the basics of early attempts of England to colonize North America. It has been tailored to cover all the material required of the new APUSH exam. Side note: There is one use off color language approximately 10 minutes into the video.
Assignment 1, Part D,
Once you have watched the APUSH video presentation, answer the ONLINE questions below.
Once you have watched the APUSH video presentation, answer the ONLINE questions below.
Assignment 1, Parts A-D will be opened and evaluated (graded) on December 6th . Grades will be posted online December 8th
II. The Reformation in the Hands of the HeirsFocus Questions
Assignment: 2, Part A
1. Use the internet sites below to study and answer the questions under the title: How did Religion shape Tudor Times.
1. Use the internet sites below to study and answer the questions under the title: How did Religion shape Tudor Times.
- It may be of help to start your study by writing down the questions and taking notes while studying the websites.
Assignment 2, Part B
Once you have completed your study of the Tudors, answer the questions below. ONLINE ASSIGNMENT
Once you have completed your study of the Tudors, answer the questions below. ONLINE ASSIGNMENT
Assignment 2, Parts A-B should be completed on or before December 8th. Assignment 2, Parts A-B will be opened and evaluated (graded) on December 10th.
Assignment 3, Part A
Listen to the Videos entitled Lost Colony of Roanoke posted below, when finished complete the Postcard Activity
Listen to the Videos entitled Lost Colony of Roanoke posted below, when finished complete the Postcard Activity
The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Assignment 3, Part B
- Imagine you were one of the few that came to Roanoke. The colony is about to become lost, so you need to write a postcard to your family explaining to them what happened. (use one or more of the theories presented in the video..., so no you were not abducted by Aliens!)
- Go to the Google Doc that has been shared with you, and write your letter on the Google Doc. Be sure to follow all instructions. Including responding to one or more of the letters posted by your peers.
Assignment 3, Part C
Learning the Basics
APUSH Review: Jamestown Colonization
Published on May 29, 2014; This lecture covers all the basics of the colonization of Virginia (Jamestown) for U.S. History and Advanced Placement U.S. History students. It has been tailored to cover all the material required of the new APUSH exam.
Side note: The APUSH videos push the envelope a wee bit, that is to say, they are PG vs G rated, they are however fun, fascinating, and cover the content correctly.
Side note: The APUSH videos push the envelope a wee bit, that is to say, they are PG vs G rated, they are however fun, fascinating, and cover the content correctly.
Tobacco in Jamestown
Lecture provided by Jamie Turpin, published May 30, 2014. The introduction of tobacco in Jamestown. Plan 9 min 47 seconds for the lecture.
Assignment 3, Parts A-C should be completed on or before December 12th It will be opened and evaluated on December 14th
IV. Indentured Servitude & SlaveryFocus Questions
Assignment 4, Part A
Content Knowledge
Content Knowledge
- Watch & listen to the video lecture entitled: "Africans in America: Indentured Servants". When finished indicate below that you viewed and listened to the lecture. You will use this information to create and complete a Cinquin poem within the GOOGLE DOC that has been shared with you.
- Study and review the Primary Document entitled: "An Indentured Servant Contract". When finished indicate below that you studied the document. You will use this information to create and complete a Cinquin poem within the GOOGLE DOC that has been shared with you.
- Open the link entitled: "Image Diary of Slavery in the Americas", study the images and text. When finished indicate below that you reviewed the images and content. You will use this information to create and complete a Cinquin poem within the GOOGLE DOC that has been shared with you.
Africans in America: Indentured Servants: 14 minutes
An Indentured Servant Contract
Original contract available at Southern Connecticut State University in the Hilton C Buley library
This Indenture, Made the Fourth Day of August in the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second King of Great Britain, &, And in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty five Between William Buckland of Baford Carpenter & Joiner of the one Part, and Thomson Mason of London, Esq. of the other Part,Witnesseth, That the said William Buckland for the Consideration herein after-mentioned, hath, and by these Presents doth Covenant, Grant, and Agree to, and with the said Thomas Mason Executors and assigns, That He the said William Buckland shall and will, as a faithful Cove- nant Servant, well and truly serve the said Thomas Mason his Executors and assigns in the Plantation of Virginia beyond the Seas, for the Space of Four Years, next ensuing his Arrival in the said Plantation in the Employment of a Carpenter and Joiner. And the said William Buckland doth hereby Covenant and Declare him self, now to be the Age of Twenty two Years Single and no Covenant or contracted Servant to any other Person or PerSons, And the said Thomas Mason for himself his Executors
Or Assigns, in Consideration thereof, doth hereby Covenant, Promise And Agree to and with the said William Buckland his Executors, and Assigns, that He the said Thomas Mason his ___________________ Executors or Assigns, shall and will at his or their own proper Costs and Charges, with what convenient Speed they may, carry and convey, or cause to be carried and conveyed over unto the said Plantation, the said Wm Buckland __ and from henceforth, and during the said Voyage, and also during the said Term, shall and will at the like Costs and Charges, provide for and allow the said Wm Buckland all necessary _____________ Meat, Drink, Washing, Lodging, ____________ fit and convenient for Wm as Covenant Servants in such Cases are usually provided for and allowed and pay and allow William Buckland Wages on Salary at the Rate of Twenty Pounds Sterling per Annum Payable Quarterly And for the true Performance of the Premisses, the said Parties, the these Presents bind themselves, their Executors and Administrators, the either to the other, in the Penal Sum of Forty Pounds Sterling, firmly by these Presents. In witness whereof, they have hereunto interchanged by set their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year above-written. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Tho Hayes Wm Buckland W Kidd These are to certify, that the above-named Wm Buckland came before Me Gyles Sone Deputy to the Patentee at London the Day and Year above-written, and declared him self to be a Single Person no Covenant or Contracted Servant to any Person or Persons; to be of the Age of Twenty two Years; and to be desirous to serve the above-named Thomas Mason or his Assigns Four Years, according to the Tenor of the Indenture above-written. All which is Registered in the Office for that Purpose, appointed by Letters Patents. In witness whereof, I have here unto affixed the Common Seal of the said Office. Gyles Sone DL |
Image Diary of Slavery in America
Assignment 4, Part B,
- Once completed with your research create a Cinquin Poem following the Instructions within the Google Doc that has been shared with you. Type your Cinquin Poem within that same Google Doc.
Assignment 4, should be completed on or before December 14th. It will be opened and evaluated (graded) on December 16th.
Assignment 5, Part A
- Watch the video entitled Settling the English Colonies, when finished indicate within the "Settling New England Colonies assignment that you watched the video.
Settling the English Colonies
Assignment 5, Part B
American History Readings Online
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Assignment 5, should be completed on or before December 16th. Grades will be downloaded opened, graded and posted (excepting the Google chart) December 20th.
Assignment 6, Part A
- Watch the video entitled "The Rest of the Colonies", when finished indicate below that you watched the entire video.
- Working in a team of three assigned students, collectively complete the information regarding Native Americans in the online in the assignment entitled "Comparison, Contrast: The American Colonies" , shared with you via Google Docs, A copy of the assignment is posted below. You will complete the information required on the charts from information learned in Assignments, 3, 5, 6 & 7.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
The Rest of the Colonies
Assignment 6, should be completed by December 20th. Grades will be opened, graded and posted online December 22nd
VII. Colonial & Native Relations
Assignment 7, Part A
Assignments to be announced
Assignments to be announced
- Watch the video entitled "Native Colonial Relations", when finished indicate below that you watched the entire video.
- Working in a team of three assigned students, collectively complete the information regarding Native Americans in the online in the assignment entitled "Comparison, Contrast: The American Colonies" , shared with you via Google Docs, A copy of the assignment is posted below. You will complete the information required on the charts from information learned in Assignments, 3, 5, 6 & 7.
Native Colonial Relations
Assignment 7, should be completed by December 22nd Grades will be opened, graded and posted online over the break
Colonization WalkAway Review
Colonization WalkAway Following the break
When finished with Units 1-7 Go to quizlet.com. Sign in using your google sign in, i.e. your email provided by the school, ending in @alpinesd.org. When prompted, create a quizlet account, and use the drop down menu on the left to join our class- It will entitled {Period Number} U.S. History Ness, {year}. If you have done this previously it is not necessary to create a secondary account, simply sign in to your account). The account will prompt you to purchase or upgrade your account, this is not necessary, simply click on the text that reads:
Identify your class on the list and join the class. Select the Colonial American WalkAway and 1) Review the flash cards, 2) Create a multiple choice and fill in the blank test using ALL 29 terms 3) practice multiple study (i.e. learn, scatter, Gravity etc....) methods in preparation for the Colonial American WalkAway. |