WalkAway review (Flashcards & grade)
These review games can be used in multiple ways:
- 1) Open the Options tab in the upper right hand corner, it will allow you to control the motion, audio and the way in which the terms are presented, i.e definition or term.
- 2) In the bottom ride hand corner choose a study mode. Options available are: a) Scatter (a matching game), b) Flash cards, c) Learn (a jeopardy style game, and d) Space Race (beat the clock matching game). Take the time to try multiple formats
Social Studies Academy Online Essay
Open the hyperlink above to access the Age of Exploration and the Spanish in the America's online essay. Be sure to read the instructions on the far right, prior to writing and posting your essay. Please note it may be helpful to write your essay in word (or a similar word processing program) and then copy and paste it to the forum to ensure you do not lose your work.